Eau Gallie is where we headed once we finally left Titusville. I’m pretty sure the name of this Florida city must be pronounced something like “oh golly”, right? I mean I did take a couple of years of French in high school (from a teacher who spoke only French...
Articles for January 2016
How We Wasted Away a Month in Titusville
O.K., so truthfully most of it wasn’t wasted time…we just couldn’t believe we ended up staying docked at a marina there for an entire month! That was the longest Radio Waves had sat still since being on the hard over the winter back in Michigan! The folks at Titusville...
Playing Catch Up…
Wow…I have NOT been doing a good job of keeping you all up to date on our travels lately. Sorry! Gonna work hard on rectifying this, starting right here and now with this post. When we last left you, we were going through bridges trying to make our way...